WiP - Experimental

- This example shows temperature data collected by Raspberry Pi A running on network A and located behind WAN address A
- Data from Raspberry Pi A is transmitted to RaspberryPi B in network A via an external IPv6 address from and to WAN address A
- A web server runs on Raspberry Pi B and receives and transmits control data from and to RaspberryPi A, with this data a fan can be activated / deactivated in order to lower the temperature
- A web server runs on Raspberry Pi C, in network B, behind WAN address B and receives data from the other Raspberry PIs A and B and makes them available

- Data can be collected, transmitted, received, and published with just one physical machine, or with one per service, or multiple services per machine
- all data can be transmitted/received over IPv4 / IPv6 using the address or host name

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